Palash Jha also known as Epic Sensation is 25 year old from the land of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA.

Epic Sensation is his stage name and it is his brand too and legally he is a proprietor of his company.

Palash Jha is a DJ/Music Producer/Rapper/Writer/Artist/Influencer. He has released music globally with the label from USA , Netherlands, Italy & INDIA. He has worked with many local as well as international artists/producers. Palash has been into music since my childhood. Started producing music in late 2015, Palash got his first global official release/Record deal when he was 19 and started rapping in Late 2018.

Performed in the cities like Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Indore, Sagar, Itarsi and Jabalpur. Palash has a YouTube channel with over 840K+ views and the videos have over 2 million views on YouTube. His social media engagement is over 15K people on YouTube, Instagram, facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud etc.

Palash is also associated with the cricket sports organization " SK Cricket Club " and he represents a cricket team of their league " SK Premier League (SKPL). The name of his team is - SK Warriors!